Saturday, June 14, 2014

Get on the Path to Fit and Healthy

     Fit is defined as being in good health--especially because of regular, good exercise. Healthy is defined as the state of being free from illness or injury. 
      Many think that being fit or being healthy is a short, temporary stage in a person's life. I am here to tell you that they are not. Yes, there are stages that people go through that alter the way they look and feel. Some of those stages are involuntary, and others voluntary.
     However, to be fit requires dedication and perseverance. Being fit is something that doesn't happen overnight--but once achieved, stays with you.The same with being healthy. There are distinctions between the words fit and healthy, which I will address in a later blog. For now, we will use them interchangeably.
     First, you want to begin to think being fit. Simply to think it, will facilitate becoming it. The thinking process may require a bit of time, before physically moving the body through fit actions. For example, there is a fit way to pick up an object from the floor. In order to successfully pick it up in a fit way, you must first think fit.
     There are so many actions and ways that we live, that can be done in a more fit and healthy way. The list is too much for me to enumerate in this blog, but to name a few: ways to sit healthy, drive healthy, walk fit, eat fit, dress healthy, cook healthy, work healthy, exercise fit, etc.
     For this post, all I want to impress upon you is the initial stage of becoming fit and getting on the path--Start to think healthy. Visualize what you look like doing things in a more healthy way. Imagine yourself and what you look like being fit.

Once you accomplish this step, you have won half the battle!
Shalom v'uvracha! (Peace and Blessings)

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